Self-Discipline is All That Matters Part 2: Feelings Don’t Matter: Only Behaviors Do

Per usual, this blog is going to dole out some incredibly uncomfortable, non-PC Truth.

Are you ready?

RedPillFeelings Don’t Matter: Only Behaviors Do

Approximately 0 PEOPLE care about how you feel.

Precisely ALL PEOPLE care about what you can do for them (how you make THEM feel).

That last bolded and underline bit is the rub; people only care about how things/ideas/people/you/ make them feel.

This is the ultimate irony because feelings don’t matter; only behaviors and actions do.

By understanding this Red Pill Reality Truth, you understand how sales/marketing/business is geared entirely around making people feel a certain way (“we have the solution to your problem!) so they behave a certain way (convert/click-thru/complete purchase, etc.).

This is a very important, life-changing, invaluable concept to understand for more reasons than one, however.

It’s important because you need to realize this tactic has been used on you since birth, and is continually being used on you on a daily basis.

By consciously becoming less emotional, you reclaim your true power as a sentient human being.

You can also use this knowledge to make yourself a lot of money both online and in the “real world” (which is mostly online now anyway).

RedPillAverage People Spend Their Consciousness Curing Low-Level Boredom

Engaging in behaviors that create short-term distractions and rewards at the expense of long-term results and gains, is precisely why most people are stuck in life (see Average People).

They also apply this equation disproportionately to themselves, instead of prioritizing what they can do for other people.

I.E they spoil themselves with low-value activities, thus spending their daily energy there instead of progressing themselves and assisting others in greater and greater ways.

This is because most people think with their feelings, instead of applying logic to emotional topics, and proceeding with intelligent,rest-assured confidence.

People are unconsciously selfish, and will rationalize unselfish things as selfish and vice versa.

The biggest sign of selfishness is not cultivating self-discipline.

To avoid the cultivation of self-discipline is to indirectly choose to be Average.

(Part 3 is coming; be patient, RedPills!)