Self-Discipline is All That Matters Part 1

What follows is a 4 part mini series of articles dealing with the all-important topic of Self-Discipline.

  • Part 1 – Self-Discipline Defined
  • Part 2 – Feelings Don’t Matter: Only Behaviors Do
  • Part 3 – Average People Think with Their Feelings (This is Why They’re Average)
  • Part 4 – Lack of Self-Discipline = A Need for Constant Motivation


Self-Discipline is All That Matters

Your ability to take action A, and have it create result B is all that matters in this world.

Your ability to provide solutions to problems other people are experiencing (or more accurately – THINK AND BELIEVE they are experiencing) is all that matters in this world.

Not only your ability to provide solutions to people (including yourself) – but the ability to do so on a consistent, reliable, unfaltering basis – is the key to success in any and all areas of life.

People do not like to talk about or admit this simple, fundamental human truth.

It’s uncomfortable to admit that we naturally suck in our initial attempts at breaking old habits and deep subconscious behaviors.

This is because many people think they possess self-discipline, but if you examine their behavior you’ll see they just go from A to A in an endless circle.

Average people suck at providing solutions, because they’ve been conditioned to seek solutions from authority and experts.

They don’t think for themselves.

They rely on the producers of society so they can consume from them.

They lack the self-discipline required to begin redirecting the course of their own lives.

This is because self-discipline is no joke.

It’s uncomfortable.

As we all know, average people avoid discomfort with whatever bullshit they can insulate themselves with.


The overall success of your health, wealth, and all forms of relationships relies on your ability to discipline your behavior to create desired outcomes.

If you don’t make a conscious effort to update your behavior, and thus hopefully create more desirable results for yourself, then I implore you to ask your self this one simple question:

Just what in the hell are you doing with your time, then?

When you abandon discipline, you’re indirectly intending for strife, confusion, and unnecessary resistance from life.

Self-Discipline Defined

Self-Discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action, regardless of your current mood or emotional climate/state.

Notice the word “regardless” bolded, underlined, and italicized like a “BLASTING ZONE AHEAD” highway road sign?

That’s because the entire foundation of self-discipline hinges on your ability to take consistent, High Leverage Action (HLA) even when you’re thinking and feeling are complete shit.

What’s “high leverage action”?

High Leverage Action: any action, task, or behavior that pushes you outside your present comfort zone, and increases the probability of a goal manifesting over the long term.

Contrast this with

Low Leverage Action: any action, task, or behavior that reinforces your present comfort zone, and increases the probability of a distraction manifesting over the short term.

High Leverage Action = lifting weights, working on a career, business, or project DESPITE having a small urge to be doing something unproductive instead.

Low Leverage Action: aimless web surfing, gaming, NETFLIX-ing, and masturbating INSTEAD of lifting weights, working on a career, business, or project.

Notice how I said INSTEAD OF. That’s because you can still relax and enjoy Low Leverage Action (i.e. fucking relaxing after kicking life’s ass all day) once you’re putting in consistent work to improve your position on a daily basis.

Of course, weak-minded people want it all now, now, NOW!

The whole “Doing it despite not feeling it, bro” is the main crux issue for everyone and their mom when it comes time to exercise discipline.

You see it with diet and exercise.

You see it with income allocation/savings.

You see it with relationships (going along with bullshit to avoid an argument).

Well, kids, just like George Costanza, it’s time to learn to do the exact opposite of what you’ve been taught to do your entire life.

This is because… (be patient, part 2 is coming tomorrow).

Hello Readers. Yes, I’m Back!

After a long business related hiatus from blogging (I made some more money), I’ve decided to check back in on this site, and…wow!

Somehow, more people have been following along with quite literally NO advertising or upkeep on my end. Maybe there is a little demand for this content, no?

Let me know in the comments what you guys are interested in reading more about. I plan to drop some deep insight. Enjoy the decline!